Monday, March 17, 2008

Trip to Milano, Italy

Between Nice and Genova, following the coast line on the autostrada.

Following Maria (the gps) as she leads me through downtown Milano, on my way to the Mercato Ortifructicula. I decided (against my better judgement) to follow HER instructions instead of using the Tangenziale to bypass the city. Women...


Javi said...

Tomtom rules!!!hehe...

What a traffic...reminds me Torino,crazy italian drivers!!

I´m going to SoCarolina,finally lovely weather,uf!

Have a nice easter weekend!

Marc-Daniel said...

I love the Nice-Genova autostrada, one of my favourite driving experiences. Driving in a fast car convoy at 160 through viaduct-tunnel-viaduct-etc just like NFS! Silly trucks always in the way, eating up the middle lane... :D