But I've been as far as Edmonton and Halifax, this being my first time to the Maritime provinces, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 22,000kms in one month.
I just discovered that I left my data transfer cable in the truck, so forgive me, I have to go and shoot myself, ARGGHHHHH!
But here's one picture of me chillin' out in the Halifax harbour.
I will post more when I can get pictures uploaded from my camera. Sorry!
I love the sea-port towns ambience,most of all the people going and coming,really alive,and the smell of the sea,good fresh fish available everywhere...cool pic!
And the bird in front of you...??,he ordered fish and chips,didn´t he?,hahaha
Nice trip past my in-laws home in New Brunswick. We are in Ireland living, but I know your trip from Montreal to Halifax well.
At long last, after the craze of traveling and wedding, I have some time to look at family blogs. Good picture. And happy hauling ...
Hola que tal!! dime como lo has hecho , me parece que el log lo has tenido que hacer un par de veces( jajajaja) no te preocupes que los DOT no leen estos comentarios .
Un saludo desde Montreal el autentico y primer español truckero en canada , con certificado y todo, es broma ! me da igual ser el primero que el ultimo, de camionero no se tiene que provar nada
Ohh the maritimes!! I'd love to go there... Quina sort, nen!! A veure quan puges les fotos... M'encantaria que algun dia anéssis a PEI, també...
One day you'll have to take me here so we can have a beer and chill out after doing so many kilometers on the road; You in Canada and me in Europe! :-D
Here's the link to "Six Days"
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