From Toronto to Edmonton, and then from Edmonton to Vancouver.
Canadian Road Train
Hace un par de días tuve el placer de compartir cabina durante una noche
con Larry Boyle, el único conductor en Norteamérica que transporta 3
trailers de 5...
12 years ago
Awesome scenery! I wish I could visit these places.
Anyway, glad you're safe, and I hope you had a great time in this trip!
Roger que pasa tio, que no se tiene noticias tuyas!! que ya hece buen tiempo para un BBQ colega,!!
Ya te contare cuando vengas , dame un telefonazo
Un saludo y prudencia en la carretera
You've got a really sharp truck there Roger. I get to see the odd H&R Cascadia once in a while on the main highway between Calgary and Edmonton, but I never am able to take any pics. I like what I see of what you have shot of yours. And I do hope that you will be able to take lots more (I'd like more of the tractor of course, and of the trailers~ tridems, back doors, etc:)!
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