I have decided to end my Canadian trucking experience for good. I have had enough. It has been fun for the last (almost) five years, but it is fun no more. I did enjoy it very much while it was a new experience, and I'll never regret having done it. But as another winter approaches, I have to say that, since the last one, I have been looking forward to it with dread. Deep down I'm a European trucker. Snow once in a while, OK. But not all the time, please.
Last but not least, I miss my family in Spain, and the food...
I will be in Spain on time for Christmas, and I plan to keep on trucking.
Here are some recent pictures of my last trips.
Did you think you got it easier in Europe ? from the time you leaved spain until now trucking has changed more then before. whilst the times here was coming worst you went to another fleet that was a good desicion, but back to Europe ? for me never ever !
good luck and let us know how is goin in Espania. i m shure your blog reader friends are still with you buddy.
uf, tiene que ser muy duro, yo no me hago a una idea. Sea como sea que te vaya muy bien en tu nueva aventura, vuelves a casa por Navidad como el Almendro, jejeje.
Take care, Roger! Best wishes
but you keep posting things on the blog?
So from now you´re gona become a european trucker??? I hope you tell now tales from european roads and keep posting pictures, now from european trucks and roads.
Anyway I wish you the best
Qué te voy a decir que no hayamos hablado ya...
Pues que mucha, mucha suerte, que el mercado está complicado, pero siempre salen cosas.
Portotrans... H&R... ya llevamos un par de experiencias compartidas, veremos lo que depara el futuro.
Nada más llegar, métete una fideuá a mi salud, y con un poco de suerte, nos tomamos unas birras por Navidad, ok??
Keep on rocking, brother!
When push comes to shove you have to do what is best for you. Thanks for all the interesting YouTube videos and keeping up this blog. In my opinion you can't beat being close to your own family! Enjoy travelling in Europe and keep posting on the blog and YouTube. Take it steadily
Amperebear, I don't know about easy, but I know about "home". Times are hard, and Spain beats all with 20% unemployment. But I have an open door at H&R.
Marcoiris, despues de casi cinco anos dando vueltas por este magnifico continente, la soledad pesa...
DouglasLuzzi, the blog will continue!
Mexinol, deep down I've always been a European trucker.
Javi, me voy a poner las botas con la fideua, en recuerdo del veneno que sirven en los truck stops americanos...
Gizzardpuke, I hope the change of venue will make my videos and blog all that more varied and interesting!
Cheers y'all,
I wish you all the best with your future plans. I'd also like to thank you for posting this blog and giving us (wife and I) an insight into Canada.
Once, Canada was our dream even though there were some things we knew would take quite a bit getting used to.
Seeing how some truckers have been treated by their employers, combined with some messages from those who have either left or are staying, just to get PR, we have decided to cancel our Canada plans.
I look forward to your blog continuing from Europe and you never know, we might see each other on the roads of Europe!!
Best wishes.
Pues bienvenido de nuevo a casa (BCN), con la experiencia que tienes no creo que tardes demasiado en subirte al trailer... yo por mas que lo intento no lo consigo, soy nuevo en esta profesion y por ahora no me dejan subierme a la cabina. Saludos de un "capgros" (de mataro claro...)
No more tales from the rocking chair?
I hope you keep posting here and on the tube.
Drive safe.
Este sábado mientras fregaba los platos David (mi compañero) me viene todo serio y cabizbajo y me dice "el Roger s'en torna a casa". Por la noche volvió a la carga "clar es que és molt dur estar sol...". O sea que no abandones el blog que hay gente que te seguimos!! en nuestro caso desde Irlanda, compartiendo tu profesión al volante de un Man 4.40.
Y ahora a por una nueva aventura! Suerte!
Thanks Martin. Moving to a different country can be stressful, and you have to expect drawbacks. A lot of people have high dreams and think they will live in Canada forever, but I have never seen a case when everything goes as planned.
I have had my drawbacks, but a lot of fun. But now it's time to go home.
Adolfo, saludos a un "capgros" de Mataro, jeje! Empezar es siempre dificil, y es diferente para cada persona. No te des por vencido.
Mick, the videos are only going to get better. Just wait and see. As for the Tales From the Rocking Chair, they will keep coming as time goes by.
Fatima, no hi ha rao per estar cap baix... Me'n torno a la meva patria Catalunya, i el blog i els videos seguirant millor que mai!
Salutacions cap a Irlanda, doncs!
Bueno Roger!! Como dice Javi que podemos decir que no hemos hablado, la verdad que son tristes las despedidas y se nos va algo de nosotros tambien con las despedidas, y es saber un poco mas de la soledad, especialmente nosotros quienes hemos viajado miles de kilometros solos , viendo los paisajes cambiar de color y lugar.
No quisiera que te fueses sin que vengas a comer a casa en familia, ya sabes que mi esposa te aprecia mucho, especialmente con aquella frase "tengo el corazon roto" a ella no se le olvida.
Bueno, espero que tu regreso sea todo lo feliz que tu quieres y quiero que sepas qie si no marcha la cosa ... ya sabes... nosotros estamos aqui, pero bueno ya hablaremos de eso mas tarde.
Un saludo afectuoso
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