Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dream Pete!!

I write this short post so you can see what my new truck looks like... Change of plans, I get to keep this brand-spanking new 2009 Peterbilt 387 with an ISX Cummings 470hp, and an Eaton Fuller 13. The trailer is also mine to keep, an also brand-spanking new 2009 Great Dane with a Carrier reefer.
Hope you like it!


cybuch said...

how did you find a job in Europe?I want to move to Europe,I got 9 years of exp. driving in north america.

Santiago Escuain said...

Hola, RogerTrucker - aquest camió és super! I les fotos, també. La mamà està volant ara cap a Winnipeg. Una abraçada -

El Pare

Javi said...

Cool truck!!! is it inside?,pictures please!!.
Another Pete fan.

See you soon!

RD309 said...

Quite the beautiful rig!
Whats the company like?
Home time policy?


ps:I was at the 10 acres about 2 weeks ago.

Anders Viking said...

Quina passada de camió, nen! Aviam si postejes fotos de dins, eh? Aviam si l'any que vé em portes per algún lloc amb aquesta maquina!

Una abraçada!


Anonymous said...

Whoa! És guapíssim!!
Em tindràs que portar a algun lloc algun dia eeeeeeeehhh!! Que un passeget en un juguet com aquest no m'el perdo! ;)


MaTTrucker said...

This truck is really strong!
.. and looks beautifull ^^
You're a lucky driver.