Thursday, February 28, 2008

On the road with "ANDERS VIKING"!! Again...

Once again, Anders Viking and Roger Trucker hit the road together, Barcelona-Alicante-Paris-Barcelona. Cooking for two.
Other than that, enjoyng the road as always, awsome weather in Europe, no snow to speak of (eh, Javi...), my jacket is bored, I'm getting a tan in febuary!

Anders Viking, wishing he could drive...

12am... me wishing Anders Vikning could drive!



Anders Viking said...

Ha ha ha...SO true! Your tired face says it all!
Maybe we'll be driving a 12 wheeler together sooner than you think!

Thanks for that wonderful trip--It was wonderful trucking with you once again!

Andreu - Viking Trucker

P.S. Happy March!

Javi said...

I,m ready for the spring!

I went to Maine this week,and the whole trip was under a really angry snow storm,chilling,...

How do you feel with those small sleeper cabs,hehe?

See ya soon!!

Tom said...

wow.. i don't know how you got a trucking job in europe from canada.. but that is cool... glad to see some of the pics ... good luck out there...

Anonymous said...

Que monuuuuuuuuus! Les fotus, molt maques! :) Interessant, el viatge?? A mi m'agrada molt França!
Un ptó!


RD309 said...

New blog spot after loosing the other the other, let Anders Viking know.