Cool bug-van, I'd love to have one of those. Air cooled, rear-mounted engine, no-frills traveling fun!
Got my truck filthy driving across Northern Ontario, gravel roads and pouring rain will usually make a muddy combination.
Enjoying life on the road, in the truck, or car (maybe a Harley in the future).
I agree, the most logical thing is a muddy mess after all that you mentioned... ;)
He arribat a la conclusió que cada vegada que em comentes vol dir que tens alguna cosa nova al blog! :D
Gravel roads! Man, we need a video of these! Maybe the government could allocate some money they use on controversial things (to be politically correct) to improve on real beneficial things like land communication, or Canada will never amount to much more than a long road and railroad tucked along the US border ... :/
De tant en tant em deixo caure per aquí, encara que no ho sembli... És que gairebé no comento enlloc, estic poc inspirada aquests dies!
Merci pels teus comentaris al meu blog... Molts petons! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx
Cool pictures again. Keep 'em goin'
Cool pictures! keep 'em comin'
Només "dropino" una mica, i merci pels comentaris!
PD: És la primera vegada que deixo un comentari així? És que em fa la impressió que estic repetint... ^^
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