Day trip into Quebec to get some work done, with the help of a friend.
Canadian Road Train
Hace un par de días tuve el placer de compartir cabina durante una noche
con Larry Boyle, el único conductor en Norteamérica que transporta 3
trailers de 5...
12 years ago
I got lost on all that technical language, but still. I like the sunset picture^^
wow 287,000 miles!!! I'm really impressed. Our Honda has 150.000 now and I thought that it was an old car.. he he
Roger!! amigo mio como estas ya estoy de vuelta a casa , te llamare en estos dias a ver si conversamos .
Un saludo y un abrazo
MoonShaw, the ignition coil sends the electricity to every spark plug in the cylinders.
Marcoiris, not miles, it's in kilometers. This is Canada, eh. About 175,000 miles in American.
Joze, bienvenido a Canada! Nos hablamos!
Cheers y'all,
How on earth did you get 287.000 kilometers on it while you're trucking all day? :)
Holeeee! Fa temps que no respiro, però trec el cap per aquí de tant en tant. Viatja bé i molts petons!
I am an editor for Truckers News in US. We are doing story about trucking around world and I'd like to interview you via email about your experiences in Europe. Are you interested? It would cover lifestyle, trucker place in society, pay etc. Thanks.
Roger hechale un vistazo a esto
que lo pases bien con las fotos
Un saludo y dame un telefonazo
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