Thursday, November 22, 2007

Let is snow...

I "enjoyed" some of the early snow that fell in Saskatchewan, while driving on th Yellowhead Hwy. from Nepawa to Lloydminster. Although it was mid-November, it looked more like mid-January of Febuary to me! Temperatures arround -5C


Marc-Daniel said...

If it's like this by mid-november, don't want to know what it will be like in two months time!! It must take courage to drive this big rig along these white filled highways...

Ricky said...

I hope you have some good music to listen to!! If all you see is snow... Good thing you'll change environment soon! ;-)

Eliweski said...

Ei nen! He vist el teu blog en castellà! Si que tens temps per poder upkeep dos blogs...

Un patonet!!!

Adasa Aeneas said...

Let is snow, Let is snow, Let is snow... m'agrada aquesta cançó. Quin paissathe tan bonic... quina pena que aqui quasi bé mai neva... snif snif...

Anonymous said...

You lucky thing!! Snowing!
Quina barra. Aqui no neva ni per matar un microbi de fred!
Ah, i gràcies pel comentari! Em va agradar molt!!