Canadian Road Train
Hace un par de días tuve el placer de compartir cabina durante una noche
con Larry Boyle, el único conductor en Norteamérica que transporta 3
trailers de 5...
12 years ago
Enjoying life on the road, in the truck, or car (maybe a Harley in the future).
Hehehehehe....all of us proud of our jamón, wine,and now... the soccer team, we are huge!!
How is going everything??,plans for the holidays??.Me,without car, still fighting to get repaired it...
See you soon!
Huuuuuuuh? Did they WIN? xD
Hauries d'haver vist la gent al metro i al tramvia, tots flipats amb l'ADN i el 20minutos... i els petardos el vespre del partit!
Calla que aqui, es van passar la nit pitant amb els cotxes, i tirant petardons!
Un petó i bona nit!
Roger Trucker, you make some kick-a** worldwide "roadgeek videos" IMHO.
I'm subscribing to your blog right now, dude.
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