Sunday, December 14, 2008

Canadian winter roads.

The weekend Javi arrived in Canada ( ), as expected we got hit by a snow storm. Because of an accident on the main route, I got detoured, lost my way (there were no signs), and got stuck. In an unplowed road.

After being rescued by the snow plow...


Georgia Road Geek said...

Glad to hear you got out of the snow.

BTW, did you ever consider going on the ice roads?

Santiago Escuain said...

Cáspita, Roger ... Això sí que devia ser una aventura, perdre't pel mig d'un prat ... Devia estar tot sense punts de referència de tanta neu! Una abraçada ... el Pater

Javi said...

It´s not my fault!!!, hahaha... where it was exactly?, it looks really crazy!!

Take care and Merry Xmas!.

LSEP said...

Toooooooooooma... aquí passaran moltes coses, però això no! Un petó!

Anonymous said...

LOL, this reminds of one of your Euro-videos, the one where you come to a sharp turn with a narrow bridge directly after that and no chance at all to continue forward lol ;-D

Anyway, I just found this blog!! Pretty sure that I will save it in my Fav-folder!!

Cheers brother trucker!