Canadian Road Train
Hace un par de días tuve el placer de compartir cabina durante una noche
con Larry Boyle, el único conductor en Norteamérica que transporta 3
trailers de 5...
12 years ago
Enjoying life on the road, in the truck, or car (maybe a Harley in the future).
Eeeei bon any! Ja m'han dit que vas estar a cals cosins enmig d'un blizzard... Per aquí se't va trobar a faltar!
Vigila amb la neu i això, no sigui que perdis el carregament algun dia... ai, vull dir, no sigui que et facis mal... xD
Una abraçada!
HI Roger,
What extra weight can you haul with a tridem? Never realsied until recently that the axles on the trailers slid for scaling, quite different to over here in UK, eh?
So, you had to pay a weight supplement, eh? :/
"Certified Scales. Do not enter" Scale museum? LOL
Bad, bad roads in some parts of Canada... But Keep on a'rollin'!
Have you ever drive a double trailer truck??
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