The winter is raging, and for a change I was given a load on a tri-axle trailer. Buisness as usual, except for the extra weight.
Canadian Road Train
Hace un par de días tuve el placer de compartir cabina durante una noche
con Larry Boyle, el único conductor en Norteamérica que transporta 3
trailers de 5...
12 years ago
Eeeei bon any! Ja m'han dit que vas estar a cals cosins enmig d'un blizzard... Per aquí se't va trobar a faltar!
Vigila amb la neu i això, no sigui que perdis el carregament algun dia... ai, vull dir, no sigui que et facis mal... xD
Una abraçada!
HI Roger,
What extra weight can you haul with a tridem? Never realsied until recently that the axles on the trailers slid for scaling, quite different to over here in UK, eh?
So, you had to pay a weight supplement, eh? :/
"Certified Scales. Do not enter" Scale museum? LOL
Bad, bad roads in some parts of Canada... But Keep on a'rollin'!
Have you ever drive a double trailer truck??
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