Thursday, July 16, 2009

I've been everywhere...

A Renault 18 in North America... A very rare sight!

Sheridan, Wyoming. Took the wrong exit looking for the Wal-Mart.

Double rainbow, west of Denver CO, on I 70.


It came out of the sky...
(Near the Oklahoma-Kansas border, on I-35)


Anonymous said...

The double rainbow is awesome! Great pictures, as usual. =)

Mexiñol said...

Probably belonged to some mexican, Renault was in Mexico in te earlys 80´s. I saw a double rainbow once in Durango México´s desert.

Chilliflowers said...

Interesting shots, Roger. Looking forward to your next video.

Anonymous said...

Un saludo desde Medellin Colmbia


Pat said...

was this you on youtube talking about the double rainbow?

I know it wasn't, but it's a great video to watch.