Saturday, June 6, 2009


Here are pictures of my new truck, a 2009 Freightliner Cascadia, Detroit Diesel Series 60, Automatic 13 speed, with all the extras.

Most recent picture, this evening at Portage La Prairie, MB

Pictures taken at the Wal-Mart in Dryden, ON.

Interior is nicely finished. I love it. It's better than the Peterbilt!

Driving down the road, exhausted. Looking for a truck stop...

Ain't life beautiful??

On down the road...


Javi said...

What about the "Smartshift", comfy life, eh?

It´s funny to see you driving an H&R truck, hahaha... I can't get used to it!!

See you, you!

Chilliflowers said...

Nice truck. Glad you're back in the "rocking chair"! Keep the videos coming.


Javi, SmartShift, DumDriver... I love it! It's a LOT better than the old version!
Chiili, the videos will keep coming!
Thx y'all!

Mexiñol said...

Awsome the trucks you have in those routes with all kiond of technology, sometimes I understand why US government don´t let mexican trucks go to your highways

Ben said...

Hi Roger,
congratulations for the new job, I hope you will like it, please keep us posted!
Have a safe journey, cheers!

Marcoiris said...

It looks really nice! I like the contrast between the pictures of you.
Drive safe!

mickfly said...

Good luck roger, out with the blue and in with the new, and even the viking has a new truck, but a long way from you.

Anonymous said...

Però què HANDSOME és el meu primu!!!! M'encanten les teves fotos, encara que estiguis cansta ><
Jejeje, m'alegro que el teu nou camió sigui genial. Un petó ben fort!! :D

Marc-Daniel said...

Molt guapes les fotos, quin contrast amb la que estàs cansat i somriguent després :D Au, Bona Ruta!