Here are pictures of my new truck, a 2009 Freightliner Cascadia, Detroit Diesel Series 60, Automatic 13 speed, with all the extras.
Canadian Road Train
Hace un par de días tuve el placer de compartir cabina durante una noche
con Larry Boyle, el único conductor en Norteamérica que transporta 3
trailers de 5...
12 years ago
What about the "Smartshift", comfy life, eh?
It´s funny to see you driving an H&R truck, hahaha... I can't get used to it!!
See you, you!
Nice truck. Glad you're back in the "rocking chair"! Keep the videos coming.
Javi, SmartShift, DumDriver... I love it! It's a LOT better than the old version!
Chiili, the videos will keep coming!
Thx y'all!
Awsome the trucks you have in those routes with all kiond of technology, sometimes I understand why US government don´t let mexican trucks go to your highways
Hi Roger,
congratulations for the new job, I hope you will like it, please keep us posted!
Have a safe journey, cheers!
It looks really nice! I like the contrast between the pictures of you.
Drive safe!
Good luck roger, out with the blue and in with the new, and even the viking has a new truck, but a long way from you.
Però què HANDSOME és el meu primu!!!! M'encanten les teves fotos, encara que estiguis cansta ><
Jejeje, m'alegro que el teu nou camió sigui genial. Un petó ben fort!! :D
Molt guapes les fotos, quin contrast amb la que estàs cansat i somriguent després :D Au, Bona Ruta!
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